is end of the august now. i should clear up my mess mind. dear daddy king was gone a month ago. and i still maintain the same. i really should be stronger, keep holding and do all my best. KEEP GOING!
should share some enjoyable moment. sadness mood really not suitable for me. teehee :目 still remember my preview post: departure? curious? i went to US last Monday. do not misunderstand. i just going a trip of Universal Studied but not United State. heehee :D
without wasting anytime. lets the photo tell the story :)
it was raining at the day
finally reach :3
if i rich i will make one :)
new york road
the road was an ocean before
the most scary and longer roller coaster =~=
i was a princess in there
expensive lunch =~=
F4 aka 4 first year
beloved teacher ♥
we met panda :D
it was a memorable and tired day. phew. the roller coaster was an excited game. go through the fear and just do it. good try. everything was just perfect except the lunch. it cost me 10.80 Singapore dollar!! it sound reasonable but it is 25++ ringgit Malaysia!!Mc'D is more better than it T3T nevermind. really nevermind. totally nevermind. i can accept it T3T as a conclusion, i was a nice trip :)
last but not least, i will end my post with a stawberry bluberry confidence punya leng lui ah moi's photo :目 have a nice day guys.